Monday, October 1, 2012

Reflections on Black Rock

7th Grade

Black Rock is an amazing camp! There are lots of fun things to do. We had campfires, roasted marshmallows, and sang campfire songs! We also went to a creek and searched for creatures. But there are somethings us 7th graders can't do til next year. We still had lots of fun. The most fun I had was staying in a cabin with my friends!
~ Tatiana

Black Rock was so fun. We played games, came closer to God, and were in nature. We played a game called Alpha Wolf. You go in the woods when its Pitch Black and you have to find the wolf. 7th grade got the wolf the first time and 8th grade the next time. It was awesome!
~ Amaya

8th Grade

Black Rock was really fun and very memorable! With all the amazing activities you get to experience, you will be making unforgetable memories. They have a lot to do like ziplining, rock climbing, hiking, campfires, and the food is great. You will get to know your classmates better, and you will get to know yourself more. But most importantly you get to grow in your relationship with God!
~ Alexis

Black Rock Retreat is very entertaining. There was lots of amusement. Through this whole week of wonderful activities and classes you will make memories. They have plenty of things to do like high and low ropes, zipline, campfire, and yummy food. You will get to choose whatever you want to do. You also get to know the Black Rock Staff and you teachers more while you stay in nice, clean cabins with your classmates. There's a popular game up near the pavilion called Gaga. There is no one who goes there and does not love it. Besides all of these activities you will get to pray and grow closer to God!

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