Friday, September 28, 2012

Don't forget...Picture Day is this upcoming Monday, October 1st.  Please have your child wear their uniform to school.  Have a great weekend!  :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

6th Grade Science Lab

Today's science class was exciting as we worked through one of first labs. This lab helped the students think like a scientist by following a process that involved making predictions, recording data, and making conclusions. The students have been studying earthquakes. As a class, we tested the strength of a fettuccine noodle by seeing how many pennies we could put in the cup hanging from the suspended noodle. Our lab showed how pressure builds up and then snaps suddenly similar to an earthquake. The students were surprised by how strong the noodle really was.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Black Rock Packing List

It was great seeing all of you at Back to School Night last night! 

The annual Black Rock Retreat is next Wednesday, September 26th!  Here is the packing list in case you don't have the hard copy:

___sleeping bag or two-blanket bedroll and sheets
___two pairs of shoes/sneakers (1 that can get muddy or wet in the creek, 1 pair that is good for hiking/running)
___4 pairs of socks
___2 or 3 pairs of jeans or long pants
___lightweight jacket
___raincoat or poncho
___sharpened pencils and/or pens
___small backpack
___bug spray with tick repellent and hat or bandanna
___camera (optional)
___money (optional - if you want to purchase a T-shirt or other items from the Black Rock Gift Shop)

 Personal items:
___comb and /or brush
___towel(s) and washcloth(s)
___toothbrush and toothpaste
___soap and deodorant
___water bottle (with your name on it)

Black Rock Retreat asks that student do NOT bring snacks, gum, your best new clothes, radios, CD players, idPods, cellphones, electronic games or knives.

Go to Black Rock's website - and click on "Outdoor Education" for more information!  We are praying for a great trip!  :) 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Weekly Eagle's First Post!

Welcome to the Weekly Eagle!  This is ACA Middle School's first blog! 

At the end of last school year, I (Mrs. Locchetto) was talking to a parent about a really amazing chapel service we had.  The parent had no idea what I was talking about!  I was suddenly reminded that when most middle school parents ask their children that daily question, "How was school today?", the most common response is "fine" and that is the end of the conversation. 

Because of this, ACA Middle School teachers thought that a blog would be a great communication tool for the parents.  We're going to post pictures and share the "inside scoop" of the daily happenings in our wonderful Middle School!  So stay tuned for our next posting!